News 19 JULY, 2024

Elenchus – Inter house Debate

On Friday, 19th July 2024, the Debate Society, a student-led club, organised its first event, an inter-house parliamentary debate competition for Grades IX to XII.

Teams of 3 from each house competed against one another in the semi-finals. Students debated on motions with varied themes, ranging from, whether public figures like politicians should have an unimpeachable right to privacy, and whether or not the rise of social media influencers should be celebrated. While the debaters engaged with the motions critically, the audience thoroughly enjoyed the arguments on both sides of the table. For the final debate round, between Bhaskar House and Surya House, the government proposed that the House welcome the end of American intervention. After an intriguing set of arguments, the team from Bhaskar won the competition. The panel of adjudicators consisted of an alumnus and two external adjudicators.